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фотография Самодельная баня

Самодельная баня

Brigitte Bertin

24 mm


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андрей суслов
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Екатерина Челнокова

 1.  Bob Black 10.07.2001 05:57 
 How possibly can this photo score 3.36. It is beautiful...and madly talented. The color is delerious...the light is sharp and poetic...the image carries the weight of stories. I would like to remind people of the brillant film "Time of the Gypsies"--because it evokes the same grandeur and poetry which can be found in the depiction of this setting. The towering sky filled against the ache of the colors of flower and abandoned trailer and tank...come on guys...this photo contains what photography is supposed to be: the celebration and or depiction of the lives we barely taste...and yet arc...ochin, ochin Brigitte...it is truly beautiful...and heart-rending...
 2.  Виктор Жильцов 10.07.2001 08:12 
 Просится в чб. Однако, и так интересно - контраст между "живыми" цветами и "мертвым" железом.
 3. Brigitte Bertin 10.07.2001 15:16 
 Merci Bob, I'm really touched by your appreciation of the photo because it rejoins my feelings. I have the impression that this setting comes right from some surrealistic world. I'm delighted it came out like that. Again, thank you, for you comment and sensibility...
 4. Brigitte Bertin 10.07.2001 15:22 
 To Viktor: в чб может быть, если б у меня тогда была чб пленка, я бы осталась доволной результатом, но то, что вышло меня еще более радуеет. Мне кажется еще, что чб отняло бы атмосферу "Сюр"-а.

