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фотография Все-то у них одинаковое...

Все-то у них одинаковое...

Николай Палькин


другие фото автора

Василий Прозоров
Поставил(а) пятерку
Александр Победимский
 1.  Александр Авдеев 08.10.2013 21:52 
 оптом дешевле
 2.  Елена Ясиновая 08.10.2013 23:25 
 У остальных красные машины в гаражах)
 3.  Александр Ильяшевич 09.10.2013 11:41 
 Да, красиво жить не запретишь...!+
 4.  Виктор Жильцов 09.10.2013 12:09 
 Вспомнилась песенка Пита Сигера:
Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes made of ticky tacky
Little boxes
Little boxes
Little boxes all the same
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same
And the people in the houses all go to the university
And they all get put in boxes, little boxes all the same
And there's doctors and there's lawyers
And business executives
And they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same
And they all play on the golf course and drink their martini dry
And they all have pretty children and the children go to school
And the children go to summer camp
And then to the university
And they all get put in boxes, and they all come out the same
And the boys go into business and marry and raise a family
And they all get put in boxes, little boxes all the same
There's a green one, and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same...
 5.  Владислав Петрушко 09.10.2013 19:51 
 Нет, слева окошки синие! :)

