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фотография Blue Plate Special

Blue Plate Special

Larry Korhnak


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Денис Безногов
Поставил(а) пятерку
Екатерина Челнокова

 1.  Larry Korhnak 04.10.2001 06:02 
 Light box, wife's good plate, something the cat brought me. 6x6 velvia.
 2.  Ася Ахундова 04.10.2001 06:09 
 Приятного аппетита!:)
 3.  Konstantin Levay 04.10.2001 07:20 
 Incredible! Good job! :o)
 4.  Виталий Тимохин 04.10.2001 08:37 
 А почему нож из резкости выпал?
 5.  StarMood 04.10.2001 09:04 
 Good stuff! :))
 6.  Куретов Борис 04.10.2001 09:32 
 7.  Михаил Волков 04.10.2001 10:25 
 8.  Michael Bondarenko 04.10.2001 11:12 
 ;)))))) Kinda cool.. And alligators are out of season, I guess?
 9.  Gluk 04.10.2001 11:31 
 10.  Alex Potemkin 04.10.2001 12:47 
 что скажет Общество Защиты Животных?... И что за странные чёрные квадраты на ножах-ложках справа?
 11.  Inga Savosina 04.10.2001 14:11 
 Атас!!! Завтрак кота Леопольда ;-)
 12.  Александр Кожухов 04.10.2001 14:17 
 В Обществе не состою. Приходится ставить 5 :(((
 13. Alena 04.10.2001 15:36 
 Your cat is very generous
 14.  Bob Black 04.10.2001 16:38 
 OIIII..!!!..:)))...Larry, I think you should explain, in the term "blue plate/light special"....I think the viewers unfamiliar with this loveley american phenomenon would get a kick out of the title! ;)....as for the image: delerious...I love it (epecially the red eyes)...your cat loves you heartily indeed!...:)) love that light box creates the sensation on insensate feelings: shadows, somehow now real...and its devishly great photo!! :))))
 15. Larry Korhnak 04.10.2001 17:23 
 BTW, красный глаз был сделан с лазерным указателем.
 16. Larry Korhnak 04.10.2001 17:29 
 (10) Alex: Сообщите им, мой кот должен есть. Отражения от белых карт вокруг светового короба и камеры.
 17.  Алексей Тихонов 04.10.2001 18:01 
 15 ah! I've just started to ask, how did you get this red eye;)
 18.  Bob Black 04.10.2001 19:07 
 Larry: here are some titles for you as promised: 1) "Theory of Colors" by Goethe, 2) "Interaction of Colors"-Josef Albers, 3)"Theory and Use of Color"--Luigina De Grandis; 4) "Concerning the Spiritual in Art" & "Point and Line to Plane"--Kandinsky 5)" The Art of Color: The Subjective Experience and Objective Rationale of Color"-Johannes Itten; and lastly, the most grand of all "color books" 6) "The Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colors and Their Applications to the Arts)--M.E. Chevreul, (19th century book...and someday, I'll buy it.!...for starters, Kandinsky, and Albers books are great....as is the Itten...hope this helps! :))
 19. Larry Korhnak 04.10.2001 19:17 
 Thank-you Bob! Photoline is blessed to have sharing, caring people like you with an artistic background. Some of us desperately need assistance. :-)
 20.  Vetre Antanaviciute 04.10.2001 19:50 
 absolutely super...:-)
 21.  Jerry Tarshis 04.10.2001 20:04 
 !!! ;-)))
 22.  IUnknown 04.10.2001 20:19 
 Раздел натюрморт? Надо было попробовать в раздел животные. :)
 23.  Bob Black 04.10.2001 20:23 
 19: You are welcome Larry!..I'll drum up some more titles later. The Albers is great (he's also interesting, albeit cold, modern painter), (also there is a color book by the painter Hoffmann--who influenced the California school of 50's, 60's, 70's (like Diebenkorn et al)--the name escapes me at the moment)...Kandinsky's books are mad and brillant, though more "aesthetic/spiritual/theoretical" rather then technical...The Itten is good, very good for simple discussion of color and their relationships to forms: for example: is blue more effective as circle, square, triangle, etc (although this was classic question Kandinsky raised)...the Chevreul is the key book, sort of like owning OED...if you want, I'll think of some photography books which deal with color, but it seems to me, in photography color is a form (rather then representation) and therefore, the work of painters and designers are more instructive--its what Weston thought as well ;)...and do take a look at Wisconsin Death Trip--it is a fascinating book (although no color ;) )...cheers,
 24.  Marina Cherguina 04.10.2001 21:45 
 i always loved your jazz dark side Larry ;)))) and oh, i'm in a line to get these diamond forks from your wife if she has some to share ;) someday :) the picture is gorgeous!
 25.  Александр Крашенинников 05.10.2001 01:07 
 26.  Юрий Санин 05.10.2001 09:43 
 Без мышки - повесил бы на стену, а так, эмоции скорее отрицательные. б\о
 27.  Михаил Архипов 08.10.2001 01:52 
 28. Александр Победимский 06.11.2001 17:02 
 29.  Елена Журихина 12.09.2002 02:59 

